Sunday, December 5, 2010

From Deferred to Inferred, part deux

Rest in peace Frank Drebin!

Bleh, still no new pictures to post. Believe it or not, but our little girl tought it was an excellent idea to throw black ink all over the keyboard. So, my dev-machine is out of order until I have a working keyboard again, and I was too lazy to copy the whole project to my laptop. Pics or no pics, let’s continue our Deferred / Inferred rendering story ok?

Stop smiling you evil dwarf!

One week ago I explained Deferred Rendering / Lighting. To end with a couple of issues. There is a solution for everything in this world, but translucent rendering in a Deferred pipeline… With translucent stuff I mean glass, fences, Doom2 monster sprites, tree leaves, grass, and table cloths with a complex pattern, stitched by grandma.

Allow me to explain the problem. In a Deferred Rendering solution, each pixel from the (screenview) buffers contains information about one, ONE, pixel you can see. Info such as position, color, and its facing direction(normal). But what happens if you have 2 layers behind each other? Let’s say you are looking through a gelatin pudding… The gelatin has to be litten, but also the object behind it. But due the very limited storage space per pixel (16 scalars in 4 texture buffers), we can only store info for one piece of surface (pixel). And no, blending is not an option. Colors can be blended, but not positions or normals.

Dude, then simply create two sets of buffers! One of the opaque surfaces, another set for the transparent portion! Hmm, not that simple. Would work if there are exactly two layers behind each other, but in complex scenes such as your typical Crysis jungle, it could just as well be 10 layers. Think about grass billboards. So… can we throw away Deferred Rendering already?

The common solution is to render all the opaque stuff first, then to switch over to traditional “Forward Rendering” to render the remaining transparent geometry. The goods news is that the transparent part isn’t that much usually, as grass, foliage or fences are merely simple quad shapes. The bad news is that you have to implement two different types of rendering, making a messy whole. Plus you either have to sort out geometry again, and/or suffer lighting quality on the transparent parts. Multi-pass rendering on transparent surfaces can be tricky as well, as the type of blending can differ. Some use additive blending, others multiply or perform a simple alpha-test only. My engine “fixes” the problem by activating the most important lights per sector, and then render the transparent geometry in a single pass with all lights applied at once.

Inferred Rendering to the resque!? … The transparency issue was one of the motivations to make an adjusted variant called Inferred Rendering. But does it fix the problem? In my opinion; not really unfortunately. But I still have to try it out further (and I need working keyboard  ). Because it probably depends on what you are trying to do. Anyhow, it has some other interesting features though. But first, let's compare the pipelines:

For extended info about DSF and such, see the links at the bottom
The main differences are the separate lighting pass, and rendering the transparent surfaces into the “info buffers” by stippling them between the opaque pixels. That means there is actually less info available for each (resulting in a somewhat lower resolution unless you render on up-scaled buffers). The DSF edge filter technique smoothes the edges and fills the gaps again though. But yet, all forms of interpolation means quality loss in the end.

The good thing is that transparent geometry can be done in exactly the same way. No different shaders, no light sorting crap, and potentially a lot faster when having many lights + many transparent surfaces. Another small bonus for somewhat limited or older hardware is that we can possibly do with one less info buffer in the first pass, as the albedo color can be rendered later on. Don’t be fooled though, the lighting and DSF passes still require additional energy and extra buffers. Last but not least, the edge correction gives you some sort of Anti-Aliasing, which means less pixilated edges. By nature Deferred Rendering doesn’t have AA, another nasty little issue.

But it still doesn't really work when having, let's say, 10 grass billboards behind each other. As you can guess, that buffer still has a limited set of pixels. Depending on your stipple pattern, you could make 2 or 4 layers for the transparent geometry. Then sort out all transparent entities and tell which layer (stipple pattern) to look at when rendering them. YES, you need to perform Z-sorting to do this, but in case you have many transparent surfaces, you should be doing that anyway. But having 2, 4, or 6 layers for that matter, is still not much. Either you have to skip surfaces (which ones?), or accept the rendering bugs. Plus as mentioned before, you will miss small details (problematic for detail normalMapping) as pixels got offered when sharing the same buffer for multiple layers.

Why bothering then? Well…

- Unless you are rendering jungles or glass villa’s, how big is the chance you have more than 4 transparent pixels behind each other? Particles BTW can still use a simplified lighting method in a pass afterwards, if they need lighting at all.
- Having a separated light-pass got my attention.

Inferred Rendering produces one or two textures (depending if you want colors or intensity only for specular); Diffuse Light & Specular Light. The good thing is that these buffers do NOT contain dozens of other tricks such as emissive light, reflections, ambient or the surface material colors (albedo texture). That allows a couple of useful tricks, including improving HDR Bloom and debugging your lights. But boys and girls, that is for next week. Either you plan to use Inferred Rendering or not, this not-too-difficult and not-too-long paper is a comfortable read:
Inferred Lighting paper by Kircher & Lawrance
And some more details + DEMO/SOURCE by Matt Pettineo:

And if you wondered why there was a pot of black ink on the computer desk? Well, I had to draw the new Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte. As a birthday present for my little brother. Not that he is a Markie-fan in particular, but since I gave him a poster of our prime minster Balkenende 3 years ago as well... ;)


  1. Hail from a delphi developer to another delphi developer, keep up the good work :)

    Hope you'll have a new keyboard fast

  2. Thank you! Got a keyboard again, have to restart my brain after untouching the project code for a week or two though.

  3. Grand Theft Auto IV also suffered from the disadvantages of having a deferred lighting path. Antialiasing was a big no-no, but is liveable, but one that bugs me is the stippling problem associated with being deferred.

  4. There are some tricks to partially fix these problems these days. First, Screen-Space Anti-Aliasing. Not as good as traditional AA, but cheap compared with heavy stuff such as MSAA.

    Second, semi-transparent stuff such as grass, leaves or metal fences can be done with Multi-Sampling as well. It suffers a bit quality and it only works for a few layers behind each other, but at least you don't have to make crazy hacks around your deferred engine. Probably that's how Crysis2 does it as well, though I haven't tried any MS technique myself yet. It does not work for alpha-blended surfaces such as glass, transparent jelly, smoke, wet bikini's that shine through. But those are rare anyway ;)
